Let us help you choose which of our MIS solutions is best for you
This short set of questions will help you find the best solution that we offer for your needs
It only takes a minute to complete
Let us help you choose which of our MIS solutions is best for you
This short set of questions will help you find the best solution that we offer for your needs
It only takes a minute to complete
TERMS Managed Service where we help you
Do you require a managed service? This is where we will help you with administration, such as entering enrolments, processing funding returns on your behalf, etc.
Do you only need to produce an ILR Funding Return
Do you only need an MIS to record Learner and Aims to produce a funding return rather than fully manage your service?
Do you need ten or more users on the MIS
If you are a smaller service then you do not need as large an MIS provision and we can offer a more cost-effective solution.
Is other Hosting Required?
Do you need to host software other than TERMS with us? For example, Goldmine or ProAchieve.
Do you need Web Enrolment for Learners online
Online course listing and searching is always available, but if you need to process enrolments or have tutor registers online then you'll also need our Web Module.
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Please repeat the quiz and try different answer combinations.We recommend our TERMS Managed system.
We will manage the MIS to give you support where needed. This might be only part of the your MIS needs or complete management.
We recommend our TERMS Direct system. This is aimed at the input and management or ILR funding return data with reporting and analysis.
We recommend our TERMS Standard system. This is a full MIS system designed for smaller users, yet covering full MIS administration and funding requirement.
We recommend our TERMS Global system. This offers the full TERMS MIS with Online enrolments and dedicated server space for related products.
We recommend our TERMS Standard system with the Web Module add-on. This is a full MIS system designed for smaller users, yet covering full MIS administration and funding requirement. The addition of the Web Module allows for online learner enrolments.