We will manage your entire MIS for you, all funding validations and submissions, provide a full web site, all technical updates, reporting and analysis, all done by our expert teams.
We will assign a MIS manager who will be responsible for data accuracy while you retain control of direct Learner contact where provision clarification is required.
Your staff will have access to “quick enrolment" web pages to efficiently process face-to-face and telephone enrolments on-site.
We will produce informational ILR data on an agreed schedule with supporting data validation, checking and correction in addition to automated reporting directly to your staff.
You will receive fully validated final ILRs for submission to the Hub portal, and be provided with analytical course/enrolment level reporting as well as reports generated from PDSAT and FIS programs.
All MIS services provided are fully supported and provisioned by our MIS administration team with whom you will have direct contact. We take care of all technical aspects of the service internally while you will retain overall management control.
TERMS Managed Core Features
Web Front End
We will provide full management control of your web presence, based upon data, media and information provided by your service. We will maintain this as a WordPress site, supported by Google Analytics and will present recommended changes and web analytic information to you for approval.
Tutor Web Interface
A tutor web interface will be used to allow tutors to record attendance directly against enrolments. In addition the interface will be used to record awards and qualifications where appropriate for tutors.
The entire services will be supported and MIS provisioned by us, with you having direct contact with the MIS administration team. All technical aspects of the service will be dealt with internally, without the need for your input unless there are management level decisions to be made.
The MIS support service will offer advice and guidance to your staff for best input and data practices with regard to the actual provision and will work directly with you for SFA ILR funding decisions.
You shall have full access to the existing Ofsted support service, including the hot line telephone and we will directly support you during Ofsted and similar auditing.
Web Learner Interface
We will present, design and maintain the Learner Web Interface. This interface will include course search, course query, venue details, new Learner registration, Learner online enrolment and Learner information and update pages in addition to new features developed by us.
In addition a Moodle provision will be provided with updates from the TERMS MIS.
ESFA funding processes
We will produce informational ILR data on an agreed schedule with supporting data validation, checking and correction in addition to automated reporting to directly to your staff.
Additional funding calculations and analysis will be taken and provided directly to you.
The provided service will produce final ILRs fully validated for submission to the portal and provide you with analysis reporting to the course/enrolment level as well as reporting from PDSAT and FIS.
Consolidated reporting and analysis from the TERMS MIS will be auto-delivered to both your management and staff.
View this as a complete solution where we take away the need for technical or MIS expertise, leaving you to concentrate on your provision.