If you only require funding, statistics and analysis then this version is for you. Import, merge and export ILRs. Keep multiple ILRs within the system for analysis and export those that you wish to pass up to the portal. Also included are Ofsted analysis tools, such as year to year progression.
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Only £500 per year, single user system
TERMS Evolution is a fully feature rich MIS product, that is professional, powerful and proven. Using an adaptable data platform this product is one system for many solutions. This is due to it being uniquely intuitive, adaptable and fully featured. To quote one customer - "An excellent product with excellent support".
As a professional organisation, you need professional software with professional support. Our powerful and proven feature rich product will fulfil your Administration and Management requirements.
TERMS Evolution offers flexibility - as your needs change TERMS Evolution will adapt and evolve with them and you.
Can your software supplier boast a proven track record over more than 25 years? Not just another funding package, TERMS Evolution does all your administration and management from Full Cost Recovery courses to simple labels or envelopes for marketing.
Are government and local requirements changing faster than your current MIS can? Come to TERMS with your requirements!
TERMS Evolution is a market leader with more features, more versatility and more flexibility than any other package.
TERMS Direct Core Features
The most complete security system available in the market, but delivered in such a way that it does not interfere with system use. With data protection issues being a continuing concern, you cannot afford to run an “open” system.
As the basis for all users, a good Learner system is vital to the successful running of a modern MIS System. You are not limited on the number or nature of Learners, year by year or by license, rather all of your Learners are maintained for full use and analysis.
Multiple ILRs
You can upload and store as many ILRs as you need. These can be across multiple years. TERMS Evolution Direct will allow you to edit the ILR data and create new ILRs. They can be merged, partially exported and reported upon. The system provides both the input areas for ILRs as well as the storage areas for historical audit data.
Simple Courses
TERMS Evolution Direct allows you to record the basic course data that is used to power your ILR data without the complexity of full timetables, room bookings, etc. If you only need to know what courses you are providing then this is a simple option to use.
ULN Data
The most complete security system available in the market, but delivered in such a way that it does not interfere with system use. With data protection issues being a continuing concern, you cannot afford to run an “open” system.
Funding and Statistics
Offering one of the most in depth and competitive funding modules available that will power your complete funding requirements, whilst retaining historic information for reference and analysis. With the additional Global features, statistics, analysis and reporting can be performed on any funding data or available combination.
Reporting and Analysis
Reporting and analysis is the resultant need of both management and administration. All versions come with a complete suite of reporting and analysis tools with a report designer available in the Global version.
Ofsted Analysis
Build in data analysis for Ofsted inspections, including progression and data drilling. This will give you many of the tools required for reporting to Ofsted prior to their visit and during an inspection.
Simple Enrolments
Keep a track of what courses learners have enrolled upon. It may be that a Learner is studying for a single Aim across multiple courses. TERMS Evolution Direct allows you to track the actual enrolments without the complexity of fee charging, attendance, etc.